Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. Genesis 1:3
We've all been there - waiting in darkness, not knowing when, what, where, or how we'll make it through another "situation". St Mary's is here to pray for you! You don't have to know us. It's just what we do!
God's first words, "Let there be light.", can be a metaphor for our lives. Click here and send us your prayer requests. Then, plan a visit to be with us on Sunday. In the meantime, check out Rev. Whitfield's latest Sermon or visit CrustyBread for more inspiration.
The Rev. Deirdre Whitfield, Pastor
...encourage one another and build up one another just as you also are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Be encouraged! God has not forgotten. When our own words fail us, CrustyBread is a great way to get insight from the Word of God.